Lesson Breakdown

Level 1 = Water Serenity

Learn to consistently hold breath every time they are submerged, and backfloat with the help of the instructor, build the trust and bond with the instructor. At this level the child will overcome any fear of the water or separation anxiety.

Level 2 = Emergency Readiness

At this level the child will learn to be water safe. They will fall in the pool, turn and float to safety.

Level 3 = Moving through the water

At this level the child will work on being able to exit the pool on their own once they have "fallen" in.

Level 4 = Freestyle

Now the swimming starts. At this level the child works on streamline, “Big arms”, and Side-breathing.

Level 5 = Backstroke

Start back kicking, Adding arms, Introduction to fins.

Level 6 = Breast stroke (timing of...)

Frog kick, Flip turns, Proper starts

Level 7= Butterfly dolphin kick

Flipper dolphin kicks, Butterfly arms

Level 5 - 7: Advanced moves:

Intermedley, Dives, Flipturns

Lesson Overview:

  • The lessons are 30 minutes long to allow ample time for children to grasp, learn, and practice the swim skills. Most swim schools in the area limit their teaching to 20 minutes a lesson and our company feels this does not allow the child to learn at their highest potential. Also the longer lesson allows the child to build a more profound trust with the instructor positively affecting the rest of the class.
  • Our lesson plan allows us to work with children at their personal swim level and experience. By limiting our classes to private (one on one) it increases the productivity of each lesson.
  • Our teaching style is designed to cater to the child’s physical abilities and mental readiness as it pertains to their age.
  • Through each lesson the student will touch base on roughly 3 Levels. Start with what they are completely comfortable with, then teach them something new, followed by putting everything together.
  • For example if the student is comfortable with back floating and kicking; uneasy about putting eyes in. They would start with kicking on a kick board, progress to blowing bubbles and kicking on the board, then eyes in kicking on the board. Continue to then add bubbles prior to rolling on back to float. By the end of the lesson the student will be ready to put it all together. Eyes down kick with bubbles and roll to back float to breath.


19032 Magnolia St

Huntington Beach, CA 92646


1604 S Easy Way Anaheim, CA 92804


Coach Myles:


Coach Matt:





Two years experience preferred.

If you know anyone let us know!

Follow us on Facebook if you still have one of those.

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